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‘It’s Not Worth Getting A Skip.’ Are You Sure About That?

For those occasions when your household generates an unusually large amount of waste it’s tempting to think ‘let’s avoid the cost and hassle of getting a skip – we can just take the rubbish to the recycling centre as we go.’  But is a skip that expensive when compared to the alternative? And how much […]

New Year – New Approach To Sustainable Waste Management

According to official Government statistics, the recycling rate for household waste in England was 43.4% in 2022. This is the most recent year where official statistics are available, but it’s unlikely to have changed all that much. To put that into context, Wales achieved 56.9% and Germany almost 70%. Plenty of scope for improvement in […]

‘Tis the Season… for a Big Christmas Clear Out

The festive season. A time to celebrate with family and friends. It’s also the season when we explore the further reaches of garages, attics and store cupboards, seeking out decorations, emergency dining chairs and boxes of Christmas ‘stuff.’ How much will you use, and how much stays in the box to be dealt with ‘some […]

Skip Licences: Do You Need One and How Do You Get One?

You have a lot of waste to dispose of and ideally you’d like a skip to make the job easier. But you don’t have a convenient space such as a driveway where you leave the skip while you fill it. What can you do?  The road outside your house might be an option – but […]

How Do Responsible Contractors Manage Construction Waste?

Death and taxes are said to be the only two certainties in modern life. We’d probably add construction waste to that list. Wherever there’s a construction project, large or small – it will generate waste. Think of the hundreds of thousands of small construction projects happening across the country, right now. All the house extensions, […]

The Environmental Impact of Refuse Derived Fuel: A Sustainable Alternative to Landfill

As the world continues to grapple with the pressing need for sustainable waste management, innovative solutions like Refuse Derived Fuel (RDF) are gaining attention. At Wellington Waste, our commitment to minimising landfill usage has led us to explore and implement RDF as a key part of our waste disposal strategy. What is Refuse Derived Fuel […]

Less than 1% of Waste Going to Landfill – Here’s How We Do It

Over the last five years we’ve been on a journey at Wellington Waste. The destination is zero waste going to landfill. How far have we come? Five years ago 25% of the waste we handled went to landfill. You could put a positive spin on this and say that 75% of what people disposed of […]

A Flexible Waste Handling Solution for Small Business

Tradesman in hard hat talking with a colleague inside a house renovation

Sole traders and small independent businesses often struggle when it comes to commercial waste disposal. Whether you’re a window fitter, builder, carpenter, plumber or decorator, the normal routes for waste handling seem designed around bigger firms delivering bigger projects. Each project you do might not generate enough waste to fill a skip, or perhaps there’s […]

Why Choose Wellington Waste for Your Household Waste Disposal Needs?

Cluttered Garage

Having a big clear out? When you’ve spent hours sorting through your household waste, loading it into your vehicle, and are finally ready to dispose of it, the last thing you want to do is sort it all over again at a waste disposal site. That’s where Wellington Waste steps in to make your life […]

Responsible Waste Management: Understanding and Handling Hazardous Materials Safely

Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste demands careful management to ensure the safety of both people and the environment. Unlike general household rubbish, hazardous waste cannot simply be disposed of in standard landfill sites. It requires specialised handling and disposal methods to prevent harm. But identifying hazardous waste isn’t always straightforward. Let’s delve into what constitutes hazardous waste and […]

E-Waste – The Problem That Isn’t Going Away

Taken as a whole, the UK does a much better job of waste handling than it used to. In 2018 the UK generated 222.2m tonnes of waste. Of that, nearly half was recycled or recovered and 22.8% sent to landfill. Much still needs to be done. Nearly 23% of waste going to landfill is still […]

Cheaper Than a Skip, Less Faff Than the Recycling Centre

Image of a truck with skip

Margaret and Dave have been doing a bit of home improvement work. Quite a lot of home improvement in fact. Now it’s time to decide what to do with all that waste the work generated. They could take it all down to the local authority recycling centre. But the waste contains plasterboard and some felt […]