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Upcycling is Great for the Planet and for People

The Wellington Waste crew are all big fans of upcycling. Any time you can find a new use for an unwanted item it’s one less thing that would either go into landfill or be recycled. People come up with endlessly creative ways to repurpose what would otherwise be waste. Some even make a side income […]

End the Throwaway Society in Favour of the Circular Economy

The circular economy is arguably one of the most vital ideas in modern times. It affects all of us. And it’ll have implications for our children, grandchildren and generations beyond. Yet it seems 90% of us don’t know what it is. The idea behind the circular economy is easy enough to grasp. It means reusing […]

The Problem of Plastic Waste

The world is seemingly drowning in plastic waste. A study in 2020 reported that the amount of plastic alone that man has created is greater in mass than all land animals and marine creatures combined. Because plastics are cheap and strong, manufacturers choose to use it over other materials. However, the chemical structure of most plastics […]