Understanding the Waste Hierarchy
The waste hierarchy is sometimes misunderstood and sometimes wrongly interpreted as, ‘recycling is an inferior option and not worth doing’. This is a long way from the truth. The waste hierarchy isn’t intended to be a league table against which we can judge each other’s behaviour. It’s there to provide a model that will help […]
Net Zero and Waste Management
The waste management sector produces about 4% of the UK’s CO2 emissions. There’s no denying that we’re part of the climate problem – but we’re also an indispensable part of the solution that will get the country to net zero carbon. We can certainly do something about our operational carbon footprint as an industry. As […]
Waste Handling Regulations Apply to all Businesses – Including Yours!
Waste handling regulations are not just an issue for businesses like ours that specialise in managing commercial waste. If you own or operate a business you have a legal responsibility under the Environmental Protection Act 1990 for any waste your business creates. Even if you use a specialist waste handling contractor, they are, essentially, acting […]
Plastic Waste
Plastic Waste Isn’t Waste at all, It’s a Resource It was hard not to be moved by the scenes of plastic waste choking oceans and wildlife in the recent TV series Blue Planet II. We literally cannot go on like this. We all need to take more care of how we handle plastic waste. As […]