Careful What You Throw Away – It Might Just Be Worth Something

The ‘throwaway society’ is a bit of a cliché. But it’s one with a ring of truth to it. It’s all too easy to throw away perfectly useful things simply because we no longer want them or they’re cluttering up our homes. Although we love dealing with the things people throw out, and ensuring […]
Some Weird Stuff Ends Up in Skips

People throw away the strangest of things. To the point where you wonder ‘did they really mean to throw that in the skip?’ As a specialist waste and recycling firm we like to think we’ve seen it all – but maybe we haven’t quite. We’ve never had to deal with live ammunition, for example. Unlike […]
Hiring a Skip: We’re Operating During the Pandemic

You Can Still Hire a Skip Under Current Lockdown Rules Wellington Waste Management are continuing to operate in accordance with government guidance during the COVID-19 pandemic. We’re being extremely diligent with our hygiene and safety measures to ensure our service can help reduce the spread of the virus and give our customers peace of mind. […]
Top Tips: What to Consider Before Hiring a Skip

Looking to Hire a Skip? At Wellington Waste Management, we understand that people have concerns about how to dispose of waste. We’ve provided our list of top tips to make hiring a skip as simple and easy as possible. 1. Don’t Underestimate the Size of Skip you Need People often hire a skip that is […]